Stockholm: Product Owner

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Publicerad: 2023-11-09 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Cambio is one of the Nordics' leading suppliers in e-health with a comprehensive offering for the entire health and care chain. Our e-health solutions support healthcare professionals in their daily work and offer patients safer and more easily accessible care. We are proud to be an important part of Swedish healthcare. We are growing continuously and now have about 800 employees in several countries.

The position

Are you passionate about healthcare? Do you want to contribute to the lives of millions?

If your answers to both are true, the Cambio CDS team is the right place for you. We develop standards-based, EHR-independent Clinical Decision Support (CDS) applications that aim to accelerate the learning and innovations of healthcare. At Cambio CDS, we are all passionate about improving healthcare by developing software tools to facilitate clinical decision-making at point of care. After initial success in Sweden and other countries, we anticipate a steady growth of the operation in the coming years.

What is Clinical Decision Support?

CDS is an area of health information technologies that combines evidence-based knowledge and different kinds of patient data in order to generate and present helpful information to clinicians as care is being delivered.

We are looking for product owners to help us reach new heights. Your main responsibilities include the following:

- Author and maintain functional requirements, risk analysis and end user manuals of our CDS apps.

- Conduct user interviews, design workshops with clinicians as part of UX design of the CDS apps, in physical setting or remotely.

- Participate in post-market surveillance and usability studies.

- Lead and participate in CDS app UX design, clinical modelling, testing and releasing of CDS apps.

- Perform demonstration of CDS apps with potential customers.

- Provide training of CDS apps towards our customer representatives or partners.

- Help the development of authoring tools and improve our app development process.

At Cambio, we encourage taking initiatives that contribute to the development of the company and ourselves. For us, it is important that you should have the opportunity to grow, both as a person and as an employee.?Our culture is described through the words “Trust”, “Care” and “Together” which permeate?everything we do.?

About you

As a person, you are a humble and responsible team player who loves problem solving. You pay attention to details and follow things through. You are open-minded, curious and keen to learn new skills. Like us, you are passionate about improving healthcare and motivated by the potentials of health IT.


- Excellent writing and oral skills in both English and Swedish

- Excel in working in team-based development

- Clinical education/experience is required

- Health informatics training desirable

- Experience with UX or usability studies desirable

Place of employment: Stockholm

At Cambio we value a healthy work-life balance, and to encourage that we apply a hybrid working-model. Together with your team you decide which days you work at the office. On the remaining days you can work remotely from home, but you are always more than welcome to work at the office too.

Scope: Full time

Form of employment: Permanent employment, 6 months trial period

Other: We screen the applications and hold interviews continuously so please send your application as soon as possible via the link.

We encourage and eagerly welcome all applications, but we will only consider candidates who are located and have the legal right to work in?Sweden.?We will ask for verification during the process.?

We look forward to receiving your application!

Read more about us here!

Are you interested in Cambio but you don’t feel that this position is the perfect match? Check out our other open positions at the career site here!

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Andra jobb i Stockholm som Systemansvarig

Nedan visas andra jobb i Stockholm som Systemansvarig.

Senior Windows Server Engineer

Läs mer Apr 4
Vill du ta ditt konsultande till nästa nivå hos en av Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare? Vi vet vad du tänker. Du har hört det förut. Men tro oss, det har du inte. Vårt körsbär på konsulttårtan är något annat. Sök jobbet och smaka själv!
Som Senior Windows Server Engineer kommer du att varaansvarig för att utforma, implementera och underhålla Windows Server-miljöer för att stödja våra kunders IT-infrastrukturer. Din kompetens inom Windows Server-teknik och din förmåga att hantera komplexa utmaningar är avgörande för att säkerställa en stabil och effektiv drift av våra kunders Windows-baserade system och miljöer.
Djup förståelse för Windows Server-operativsystem och dess funktioner/roller/tjänster
Kompetens i att designa och administrera Active Directory-miljöer
Solid erfarenhet av nätverkskonfiguration och hantering av TCP/IP, VLAN, VPN och andra nätverksprotokoll.
Erfarenhet av säkerhetsåtgärder, inklusive effektiv användning av brandväggar, säkerhetspolicyer och patchhantering.
Färdigheter i PowerShell samt bevisad erfarenhet av att automatisera uppgifter och rutiner för att öka effektiviteten.
Gedigen erfarenhet och kunskap om virtualiseringstekniker som Hyper-V och VMware, inklusive implementering och hantering.
Förståelse och praktisk erfarenhet av molntjänster som Azure, GCPeller AWS
Erfarenhet av att framgångsrikt implementera skalbara lösningar med hög tillgänglighet och säkerhet
Mycket goda kunskaper och erfarenhet av att identifiera och lösa problem i komplexa Windows Server-miljöer.
Erfarenhet avsäkerhetsbestämmelser och bevisad förmåga att hantera säkerhetsincidenter och sårbarheter.
Stark förmåga att skapa och upprätthålla detaljerad dokumentation av systemkonfigurationer och processer.
Utmärkta kommunikationsfärdigheter för att framgångsrikt samarbeta med andra tekniska team och användare.
Vara up-to-date /Aktuell med de senaste teknik- och metodikerna inom området, inklusive kontinuerlig inlärning och relevanta certifieringar.

Det bästa åt de bästa – vår personalfilosofi
Castra är en konsultgrupp inom IT och management. Eller ja, en elite squad kan man säga. Vi samlar de vassaste och mest erfarna konsulterna, helt enkelt för att det är hos oss de får ut max i både kapacitet och livskvalitet.
Vi är en av Sveriges bästa arbetsplatser. Det låter lite skrytsamt, förlåt. Men det är faktiskt inte vi som sagt det. Castra har sedan 2017 blivit certifierad av Great Place to Work och har de senaste tre åren blivit utnämnda till en av Sveriges Bästa Arbetsplatser. Som grädde på moset är vi även Gasell- och Karriärföretag.
På Castra tror vi på frihet, utveckling och gemenskap. Du som konsult styr själv vilka uppdrag du tar, när du jobbar, om du vill levla upp någon kompetens och hur och mycket lön och semester du tar ut. Att du får bygga din egen logga är bara ytterligare ett bevis. Trodde du det var allt? Då trodde du fel. Stöd av bra chefer, aktiviteter, kompetent och snabbfotad säljstyrka, möjlighet till delägarskap, stora möjligheter attpåverka bolagets framtid och härliga kollegor – listan på vad som gör Castra till en fantastisk arbetsplats kan göras lååång. Summan av kardemumman är att hos oss är möjligheterna bra nära oändliga. Win för alla parter, säger vi.
Castra har kontor i Göteborg, Stockholm, Eskilstuna, Malmö, Linköping, Norrköping, Örebro och Jönköping.
Läs mer om hur det är att jobba hos oss på
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Senior Linux Systemadministratör

Läs mer Apr 4
Vill du ta ditt konsultande till nästa nivå hos en av Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare? Vi vet vad du tänker. Du har hört det förut. Men tro oss, det har du inte. Vårt körsbär på konsulttårtan är något annat. Sök jobbet och smaka själv!
Som Senior Linux Systemadministratör är din huvudsakliga uppgift att säkerställa en stabil och säker drift av våra kunders Linux-baserade IT-infrastrukturer. Du kommer att ta ansvar för att designa, implementera, och underhålla Linux-system i en mångfald av miljöer. Ditt arbete kommer att omfatta att hantera serverkluster, virtualisering, och molntjänster samt säkerhetsaspekter för att skydda organisationens data och resurser.
Erfarenhet och kunskap
Erfarenhet och kunskap av att bygga och hantera Kubernetes-kluster
Erfarenhet av automatiseringsverktyg som t.ex Ansible, Puppet eller Saltstack
Erfarenhet av infrastruktur som kod (IAC) t.ex Terraform
Erfarenhet och kunskap i minst ett programmeringsspråk
Kunskap om övervakningsteknologier, inklusive Prometheus och Grafana
Erfarenhet av administration av distribuerade system som Kafka och Elasticsearch
Grundläggande kunskap om informationssäkerhet, både tekniska åtgärder ochbegrepp
Erfarenhet av att bygga säkra, skalbara, pålitliga och högpresterandeIT-infrastruktur.

Det bästa åt de bästa – vår personalfilosofi
Castra är en konsultgrupp inom IT och management. Eller ja, en elite squad kan man säga. Vi samlar de vassaste och mest erfarna konsulterna, helt enkelt för att det är hos oss de får ut max i både kapacitet och livskvalitet.
Vi är en av Sveriges bästa arbetsplatser. Det låter lite skrytsamt, förlåt. Men det är faktiskt inte vi som sagt det. Castra har sedan 2017 blivit certifierad av Great Place to Work och har de senaste fyra åren blivit utnämnda till en av Sveriges Bästa Arbetsplatser. Som grädde på moset är vi även Gasell- och Karriärföretag.
På Castra tror vi på frihet, utveckling och gemenskap. Du som konsult styr själv vilka uppdrag du tar, när du jobbar, om du vill levla upp någon kompetens och hur och mycket lön och semester du tar ut. Att du får bygga din egen logga är bara ytterligare ett bevis. Trodde du det var allt? Då trodde du fel. Stöd av bra chefer, aktiviteter, kompetent och snabbfotad säljstyrka, möjlighet till delägarskap, stora möjligheter attpåverka bolagets framtid och härliga kollegor – listan på vad som gör Castra till en fantastisk arbetsplats kan göras lååång. Summan av kardemumman är att hos oss är möjligheterna bra nära oändliga. Win för alla parter, säger vi.
Castra har kontor i Göteborg, Stockholm, Eskilstuna, Malmö, Linköping, Norrköping, Örebro och Jönköping.
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Driven Produktägare till AcadeMedia

Läs mer Mar 11
AcadeMedia är Nordens största utbildningsföretag med våra ca 19 000 anställda. Trots vår storlek råder en familjär stämning av både lagkänsla och ambitioner. Vår vision är att leda utvecklingen av framtidens utbildning. Vi vill åstadkomma nödvändiga och positiva förändringar, både för enskilda individer och för samhället som helhet. Vi kallar det “Change through education”. Vill du vara med och se till att alla barn, elever och vuxenstuderande når sina mål och sin fulla potential? Då vill vi ha med dig på resan som Produktägare för vår nya dataplattform!

Vad ska du göra hos oss?

I rollen som produktägare för vår framtida dataplattform kommer du samarbeta tätt med vår Head of Data & Analytics, produktägaren för vårt BI-team samt andra nyckelpersoner. Du får här möjligheten att vara med och ta fram vår nya dataplattform från början, som kommer vara en strategiskt viktig del för vår fortsatta väg framåt.

Som produktägare tar du ansvar för den nya plattformen och verkar i gränslandet mellan IT och verksamhet för att definiera behoven för en modern dataplattform. Du håller dialog med intressenter, skapar roadmaps och coachar teamet i det dagliga arbetet, med sikte på långsiktighet och hållbarhet.

Vi tror att du kommer passa i rollen om du har

- Eftergymnasial utbildning inom systemvetenskap, ekonomi eller annat område vi bedömer som relevant

- Erfarenhet och kunskap inom data-, analys- och/eller integrationsplattformar

- Runt 5 års erfarenhet i liknande position, i en tekniskt komplex miljö

- Ledarskapsegenskaper

Vi ser det som ett extra plus om du har

- Bakgrund inom systemutveckling

- Erfarenhet av moderna dataplattformer i molnet

För att trivas som vår nya Produktägare ser vi att du är en driven person som trivs med att arbeta i en föränderlig organisation med högt i tak där du tycker det är kul att få ta ägandeskap över en helt ny produkt.

Mer om AcadeMedia

Utbildningsföretaget AcadeMedia är stationerade mitt i centrala Stockholm på Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata och börsnoterades 2016. Vi expanderar och växer hela tiden där det sker både nya förvärv och ännu mer utveckling. AcadeMedia finns både i Sverige, Norge, Tyskland och Nederländerna med inriktning mot allt från förskolan upp till vuxenutbildningar.

Läs gärna mer om oss på vår hemsida, (!

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Systemansvarig IT/OT till Svenska kraftnät

Läs mer Feb 16
Sista ansökningsdag: 2024-03-11

Svenska kraftnät är en av de viktigaste aktörerna för en hållbar energiomställning. Som Systemansvarig IT/OT erbjuds du ett av Sveriges viktigaste IT-jobb - där du ansvarar för säkerhetskritiska system som tryggar Sveriges elförsörjning.

Om tjänsten

I rollen som Systemansvarig IT/OT kommer du att vara en nyckelperson gällande utveckling och förvaltning av de system som stödjer digital styrning och övervakning av hela kraftsystemet. Du ansvarar över operativ drift och agerar som första eskaleringspunkt gällande incidenter. Arbetet innebär också nära samarbete med och styrning av leverantörer. Du är till stor del verksam i en OT-miljö, vilket omfattar drift och kontroll av fysiska processer och utrustning.

Du bidrar med djup förståelse för området och samarbetar med ett team bestående av IT-specialister, arkitekter och tekniker. Du samverkar också med interna och externa intressenter. Tillsammans säkerställer ni att systemen är robusta och effektiva - för att garantera ett fungerande kraftnät.

Vidare kommer du att:

- Genomföra förvaltningsaktiviteter

- Regelbunden kontakt med leverantörer för samarbete och styrning

- Hantera incident och problemärenden - administrera felanmälningar och ansvara för lösning

- Planering av teknisk förändringar, samt säkerställa att dessa inte påverkar driftsäkerhet, IT-säkerhet och befintlig funktionalitet

- Underhålla och genomföra nödvändiga uppgraderingar

- Säkerställa följsamhet mot säkerhetskrav

Hos Svenska kraftnät är du med och skapar förutsättningar för att Sverige ska kunna fördubbla elproduktionen och nå klimatmålen genom omställningen till fossilfri energi. För att lyckas med detta kommer den senaste tekniken att användas för att på så sätt öka kapaciteten i infrastrukturen. Svenska kraftnät höjer också tempot i utvecklingen gällande system, digitalisering och processer, vilket öppnar upp nya möjligheter.

Din bakgrund

Vi söker dig som är strukturerad, initiativtagande och ansvarstagande. Du är handlingskraftig och uppnår resultat genom välgrundade avvägningar. Du har lätt för att arbeta tillsammans med andra människor, har god kommunikationsförmåga och är inlyssnande. Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper.

Vidare ser vi att du har teknisk högskoleexamen inom teknik, systemvetenskap eller datateknik alternativt motsvarande kompetens förvärvad på annat sätt.

Du har även:

- Aktuell och relevant erfarenhet av system/applikationsförvaltning eller drift av IT-system med höga tillgänglighetskrav

- Arbetslivserfarenhet och god förståelse samt kunskap om IT-säkerhet och informationssäkerhet

- Erfarenhet inom ITIL, PM3 eller motsvarande ramverk/styrningsmodell

- Praktisk arbetslivserfarenhet av leverantörsstyrning samt av att leda aktiviteter (projektledare, aktivitetsledare, uppdragsledare etc.)

- God förmåga att kommunicera och uttrycka dig väl på såväl svenska som engelska i tal och skrift

Det är meriterande om du har erfarenhet av verksamhetskritiska IT-system inom säkerhetskänslig verksamhet, exempelvis SCADA eller EMS

Bra att veta

- Tjänsten är placerad i Sundbyberg

- Möjlighet till distansarbete upp till 50 % #LI-hybrid

- Sista ansökningsdag 2024-03-11

- Tjänsten är en tillsvidareanställning utan provanställning

Intresserad av att ansöka eller veta mer?

I denna rekrytering samarbetar Svenska kraftnät med IDG Recruitment.

För frågor kring tjänsten och rekryteringsprocessen, välkommen att kontakta rekryteringskonsult Moa Eriksson, tel. 070-828 36 65,

Fackliga representanter är Emma Thornberg, SACO, tel. 010-475 84 77 och Mikael Hedenheim, ST, tel. 010-475 84 68. Du når oss också via e-post:

Övrig information

Vi ställer höga krav på våra medarbetares säkerhets- och sekretessmedvetenhet. Innan ett beslut om anställning fattas kommer en säkerhetsprövning enligt säkerhetsskyddslagen (2018:585) att genomföras i de fall befattningen innebär

hantering av säkerhetsskyddsklassificerade uppgifter eller deltagande i säkerhetskänslig verksamhet. Om anställningen avser befattning i säkerhetsklass kommer säkerhetsprövningen även att innefatta en registerkontroll och, i vissa fall, en särskild personutredning.

För anställning på Svenska kraftnät krävs svenskt medborgarskap. Med anställningen följer en skyldighet att krigsplaceras.

För mer information om säkerhetsprövning

Svenska kraftnät arbetar för att främja mångfald och motverka diskriminering och ser gärna sökanden med olika bakgrund och erfarenheter till våra rekryteringar. Lär känna Svenska kraftnät och hur det är att arbeta hos oss: Lär känna oss på Svenska kraftnät

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Erfaren Scrum Master sökes!

Läs mer Feb 14
Till vår kund söker vi en Scrum Master

Specifikation av Tjänstens innehåll och omfattning samt eventuellt Resultat:

- Livförsäkringskunskap eller erfarenhet av arbete i större uppdrag gällande komplexa verksamhetskrav är en merit.

- Hålla i teamets ceremonier

- Jobba med förbättrinagsrbete i teamet samt på tågnivå

- Koordinera frågor kring leveranser samt ta vissa PO frågor initialt.

- Team som bland annat jobbar med migrering från stordator till Lumera (standardsystem) samt förvaltning av betalningsområdet

- Teamet är ett leveransteam som består av cobolutvecklare, krav/test. Och att vi jobbar enligt SAFe, i ett tåg (ART)

- Regelbunden uppföljning och rapportering sker med gruppchef

- Kontinuerlig kompetensöverföring till andra scrum masters, chefer och tågledning

- Omvärldsbevakning och i samband med det, kunskapsspridning till teamen.

Kunskap - hög generalistkompetens, eller mycket hög kompetens inom aktuellt område/roll

Erfarenhet - har deltagit i stora uppdrag inom aktuellt område och genomfört uppdrag med mycket hög kvalitet. Nivån uppnås normalt tidigast efter 9-12 års arbete inom aktuellt område/roll.

Ledning - tar huvudansvar för ledning av större grupp

Självständighet - mycket stor

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Andra jobb i Stockholm från Cambio Healthcare Systems AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Stockholm från Cambio Healthcare Systems AB .

Director of Technology Security

Säkerhetsansvarig, IT
Läs mer Apr 25
Cambio is one of the Nordics' leading suppliers in e-health with a comprehensive offering for the entire health and care chain. Our e-health solutions support healthcare professionals in their daily work and offer patients safer and more easily accessible care. We are proud to be an important part of Swedish healthcare. We are growing continuously and now have about 900 employees in several countries.
The positionAsDirector of Technology Security, you play a critical role in safeguarding the technological infrastructure and assets of the company. You will report to the Chief Architect with a dotted line to the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). In this role you will oversee all aspects of security within the technology domain, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of systems, data, and resources. The responsibility covers all parts of Cambio, including recent acquisitions.
You will coordinate all security employees that are located in different parts of the technology organization.This role is pivotal in ensuring the company's technological assets are protected against evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities. By providing strategic leadership, and implementing robust security measures the Director of Technology Security strengthens the company's resilience
Some of the areas of responsibility
Develop and implement a comprehensive technology security strategy aligned with the company's overall objectives.
Secure that all parts of Cambio technology meet the requirements and risk appetite that is set on a company level
Design and maintain secure architecture frameworks, ensuring scalability, resilience, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Identify, assess, and prioritize security risks, vulnerabilities, and threats across the technology landscape.
Oversee the implementation and operation of security technologies, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and endpoint protection solutions.
Monitor security controls, conduct regular assessments, and ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including IT, engineering, legal, and compliance, to integrate security into all aspects of technology operations.

At Cambio, we encourage taking initiatives that contribute to the development of the company and ourselves. For us, it is important that you should have the opportunity to grow, both as a person and as an employee.Our culture is described through the words “Trust”, “Care” and “Together” which permeateeverything we do.About you We believe that you have excellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills, with the ability to influence and inspire teams to achieve important goals within security.
Extensive experience (10 years) in technology security roles
In-depth knowledge of security principles, practices, and technologies, including network security, encryption, and access control.
Strong understanding of regulatory requirements and compliance frameworks (e.g., GDPR, ISO 27001).
Excellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills, with the ability to influence and inspire teams to achieve security goals.
Fluent in English and Swedish
Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field.

It's a bonus if you
Have previous experience within eHealth.

Place of employment: Linköping or Stockholm
At Cambio we value a healthy work-life balance, and to encourage that we apply a hybrid working-model. Together with your team you decide which days you work at the office. On the remaining days you can work remotely from home, but you are always more than welcome to work at the office too.
Scope: Full time
Form of employment: Permanent employment, 6 months trial period
Other: We screen the applications and hold interviews continuously so please send your application as soon as possible via the link.
We encourage and eagerly welcome all applications, but we will only consider candidates who are located and have the legal right to work inSweden.We will ask for verification during the process.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Read more about us here!
Are you interested in Cambio but you don’t feel that this position is the perfect match? Check out our other open positions at the career site here!

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Release Manager Within eHealth

Läs mer Apr 19
Cambio is one of the Nordics' leading suppliers in e-health with a comprehensive offering for the entire health and care chain. Our e-health solutions support healthcare professionals in their daily work and offer patients safer and more easily accessible care. We are proud to be an important part of Swedish healthcare. We are growing continuously and now have about 900 employees in several countries.
The position
With this position you will be a member of the team that designs, builds and maintains the release process at Cambio and have a key position to help establish a modern way of working for release management!
You will be a part of our service journey and have great possibility to influence the next generation of Cambio's health care solution.
The Release Management capability will plan and coordinate how Cambio’s systems and services change to support evolving business needs. It is the process of coordinating the internal and external change through all environments where they can finally be consumed by end-users. The primary goal of release management is to ensure that the new functionality is released to end users according to policy and agreement with customers.
The Cambio Release Manager role is responsible managing and continuously improving the Service Release capability.
Release Management capability including (but not limited to):
Implement, operate, and improve the Release Management process
Plan and coordinate different kind of releases
Generate reports regularly on associated KPIs.
Monitor and report on process performance and make suggestions for improvements where possible
Facilitate the Release process, ensuring effective communication, time planning, and build strong maintenance over time

At Cambio, we encourage taking initiatives that contribute to the development of the company and ourselves. For us, it is important that you should have the opportunity to grow, both as a person and as an employee.Our culture is described through the words “Trust”, “Care” and “Together” which permeateeverything we do.About you
As a person, you are eager to learn and grow your capital of knowledge. A good communicator, outgoing as well as comfortable with stakeholder management interacting with all levels of management. You are both solution and service-oriented, decisive and used to weigh in different perspectives on situations and decisions. You seek to be a team player, even though you possess your own measure of authority.
You enjoy being efficient, engaged, flexible, innovative, and work in a global context.
Experience working with release management
Solid understanding of ITIL release process
Experience from Enterprise production deliveries
Experience in working with Agile methodologies
Excellent communication skills in both Swedish and English

It's a bonus if you
Certified in any of ITIL v3 or v4
Documented experience of implementing ITIL processes on a broader scale within an organization
Have been operating in an international enterprise organization
Have experience from Jira ITSM tool (JSM)
Have experience from a Product and Service provider within the health care sector

Place of employment: Stockholm or Linköping
At Cambio we value a healthy work-life balance, and to encourage that we apply a hybrid working-model. Together with your team you decide which days you work at the office. On the remaining days you can work remotely from home, but you are always more than welcome to work at the office too.
Scope: Full time
Form of employment: Permanent employment, 6 months trial period
Other: We screen the applications and hold interviews continuously so please send your application as soon as possible via the link.
We encourage and eagerly welcome all applications, but we will only consider candidates who are located and have the legal right to work inSweden.We will ask for verification during the process.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Read more about us here!
Are you interested in Cambio but you don’t feel that this position is the perfect match? Check out our other open positions at the career site here!

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Head of Customer Support within E-Health

Processansvarig, ITIL
Läs mer Apr 18
Cambio is one of the Nordics' leading suppliers in e-health with a comprehensive offering for the entire health and care chain. Our e-health solutions support healthcare professionals in their daily work and offer patients safer and more easily accessible care. We are proud to be an important part of Swedish healthcare. We are growing continuously and now have about 900 employees in several countries.
The position
The Head of customer support role is responsible for establishing and running Cambio’s Customer support. Cambio’s Customer support is our strategic touch points with our customers, and your goal is to ensure a continuous service excellence performance where we are learning from each customer interaction.
You will be responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day management of the Customer support within the operational environment. You will, together with your leadership teams with 3 team leads, be fully responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day management of the Customer support within the operational environment. Together with other leaders secure that Cambio culture and a good ways of working in leadership manors will be executed in the department
You will apply improvement strategies developed in conjunction with major stakeholders from the Customer Service Delivery organization and deliver operational outputs to both our customers and internal stakeholders.
This role gives you the unique opportunity to be a part of an upscaling 24/7 support function within health care industries. You will join in a time where you will take an active part in the upscaling process including recruiting your own team, defining, setting internal KPIs/PIs and managing an outsourced partner for a part of 1st line support.
Provide tactical and operational direction for our customer support team to continually deliver on our customer experience, cost management and SLAs
Maintain and improve our customer support tactical plans with focus on organization, processes and tools, capability development and governance
Maintain an active role in hiring, training, workforce planning, and supporting the team, as well as managing all day-to-day team activities
Act as a resource to assist customer service representatives with questions, ticket escalations and complex issues
Identify, implement, and drive continuous improvement projects within your area
Establish and improve monitoring procedures and KPI dashboard
Set and monitor operations to ensure adherence to budgets, schedules, work plans, and performance requirements

At Cambio, we encourage taking initiatives that contribute to the development of the company and ourselves. For us, it is important that you should have the opportunity to grow, both as a person and as an employee.Our culture is described through the words “Trust”, “Care” and “Together” which permeateeverything we do.About you
You have proven leadership experience, ideally from a customer support environment. You enjoy leading, motivating, and coaching teams. You have a passion for your team members personal development. Identifying improvements, solving problems under pressure and adapt to frequently changing work needs to motivate and drive you. You should always think about how to enhance the customer experience for continuous service excellence.

A university degree, preferable in business and/or management or equivalent transferrable work experience
At least 5 years of experience in a contact center management role
Proven track record in managing multiple projects, competing priorities, and deadlines
Experience of performance management and operational work force planning management
Solid understanding of ITIL processes, ITSM tools and good understanding of contact center tools infrastructure (including integrations)
Analytical, able to analyze contact center reporting, and data to make decisions to support corporate, regulatory, and customer service-level goals
Fluent in Swedish and English, both written and spoken

It's a bonus if you
Experience of knowledge management and KCS
Experience of managing larger teams
Healthcare industry background

Place of employment: Stockholm or Linköping
At Cambio we value a healthy work-life balance, and to encourage that we apply a hybrid working-model. Together with your team you decide which days you work at the office. On the remaining days you can work remotely from home, but you are always more than welcome to work at the office too.
Scope: Full time
Form of employment: Permanent employment, 6 months trial period
Other: We screen the applications and hold interviews continuously so please send your application as soon as possible via the link.
We encourage and eagerly welcome all applications, but we will only consider candidates who are located and have the legal right to work inSweden.We will ask for verification during the process.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Read more about us here!
Are you interested in Cambio but you don’t feel that this position is the perfect match? Check out our other open positions at the career site here!

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Commercial Lead Cambio Platform

Läs mer Apr 17
Cambio is one of the Nordics' leading suppliers in e-health with a comprehensive offering for the entire health and care chain. Our e-health solutions support healthcare professionals in their daily work and offer patients safer and more easily accessible care. We are proud to be an important part of Swedish healthcare. We are growing continuously and now have about 900 employees in several countries.
The position
We are currently seeking a Commercial Lead for our new venture in the sustainable health data sector. As this is a new area of focus, it's important that you are driven to pioneer advancements in healthcare through new digital innovations. You should also be motivated to establish long-lasting and valuable customer relationships, and to contribute to driving and developing the e-health sector in Sweden and internationally.
Stepping into the role as the Commercial Lead for Cambio Platform your responsibilities will be to create go-to-market and commercial plans that resonate with our new platform and ecosystem offerings, sculpting commercial packaging and pricing strategies that speak to our customers, and staying up-to-date of market trends to ensure our offerings are always a step ahead.
You will be responsible for all commercial aspects of our Platform offerings with an in-dept anchoring in market trends, customer input and the competitive situation, gathering and prioritizing of requirements and working closely across all organizational functions to ensure the delivery on the related KPIs, including customer satisfaction, financial ambition and roadmap. You need to be an advocate of the Cambio platform’s customer value towards customers and throughout the Cambio organization.
Collaboration is key in this role; you'll work closely with product managers to align roadmaps and priorities, ensuring our products not only meet but anticipate the market needs. Your role is to be the architect of new business opportunities, and in collaboration with Key Account Managers nurturing both new and existing customer relationships to guarantee strengthening long-term, profitable partnerships.
Your insight and entrepreneurial mindset are important to understanding our customers' evolving needs in steering our organization's marketing and PR efforts. With a keen eye on the e-health sector, you'll provide the market insights that will guide our strategy. As a vital member of the commercial team, your influence will foster a collaborative environment across operational and strategic levels.
At Cambio, we encourage taking initiatives that contribute to the development of the company and ourselves. For us, it is important that you should have the opportunity to grow, both as a person and as an employee. Our culture is described through the words “Trust”, “Care” and “Together” which permeate everything we do.
About you
To thrive with us, you need to be an engaged and flexible team player who are self-motivated with excellent drive and energy. Curiosity, initiative, and solid business acumen are qualities we believe will be highly beneficial for success in this role.
We are looking for a person that are commercially driven and has a strong track record of sales and business development within E-health. We expect you to act proactively and independently on an operational as well as a strategic level, to influence key decisions makers and opinion leaders to drive sales and ensure profitable growth.
Minimum 6 years of sales experience in software development and/or consulting services within e-health.
Excellent communication skills, presentation and speaking for a larger audience.
Strong leadership skills, able to exercise guidance and influence within the product management team and the company to forge commitment and consensus
Experience working with public procurements in Swedish healthcare system
Experience in digital transformation
Experience of introducing new offerings to the healthcare sector and proven track record of developing commercial packaging and pricing strategies
Knowledge of open platforms, standardization, and opportunities related to open EHR
Knowledge of regulatory opportunities and limitations related to health data
Fluent in English and Swedish
Relevant university degree

It's a bonus if you have
Experience in international healthcare
Experience in the life science industry and working with innovations and new offerings in this industry segment
Experience working with pharma and/or medtech companies

Place of employment:
At Cambio we value a healthy work-life balance, and to encourage that we apply a hybrid working-model. Together with your team you decide which days you work at the office. On the remaining days you can work remotely from home, but you are always more than welcome to work at the office too.
Scope: Full time
Form of employment:Permanent employment, 6 months trial period
Other: We screen the applications and hold interviews continuously so please send your application as soon as possible via the link.
We encourage and eagerly welcome all applications, but we will only consider candidates who are located andhave the legal right to work inSweden.We will ask for verification during the process.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Read more about ushere!
Are you interested in Cambio but you don’t feel that this position is the perfect match? Check out our other open positions at the career site here!

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Customer Success Manager within e-Health

Account manager
Läs mer Apr 17
Cambio is one of the Nordics' leading suppliers in e-health with a comprehensive offering for the entire health and care chain. Our e-health solutions support healthcare professionals in their daily work and offer patients safer and more easily accessible care. We are proud to be an important part of Swedish healthcare. We are growing continuously and now have about 900 employees in several countries.
The position
As a Customer Success Manager, you will be the primary contact within Cambio regarding the customer’s implementation, maintenance, and support. You will be a part of a team that works close with the customers and be an important part when it comes to helping the customer identify their business needs and leading them along the journey based on their business plan. Together with other key stakeholders within Cambio you will manage existing business to ensure deliveries, satisfied customers and keeping a strong relationship with them.
This means you will be in the front seat together with our customers when it comes to implementing our products and services, participate in fulfilling our customer agreements such as SLA’s and KPI thresholds. All while adding value to the customers daily work so that they are encouraged to continue using our services.
In this role you will have close contact with the customers and participating in monthly tactical delivery meetings.
At Cambio, we encourage taking initiatives that contribute to the development of the company and ourselves. For us, it is important that you should have the opportunity to grow, both as a person and as an employee.Our culture is described through the words “Trust”, “Care” and “Together” which permeateeverything we do.About you
To be able to feel comfortable in this position you should enjoy having a close contact with our customers. You like the idea of being their contact person and an important part of their journey when it comes to using and implementing Cambio products and services. For you customer value and satisfaction are what motivates you in your daily work. You find it easy to make new contacts and enjoy building and maintaining strong relationship with your customer(s).
Relevant education and/or work experience
General knowledge in the healthcare industry and/or IT industry
Strong experience from working with customer support and service management
Fluent in Swedish and good English communication skills
Work well in high paced environments
Organized and well structured

It's a bonus if you
Knowledge of Cambio products and services
Have work experience from the healthcare industry
Have experience from working and having close relationship with our customers
Have worked in Cambio COSMIC and/or CIS
Good knowledge management skills
Ability to work and collaborate across teams/functions
Knowledge in ITIL process

Place of employment: Stockholm or Linköping
At Cambio we value a healthy work-life balance, and to encourage that we apply a hybrid working-model. Together with your team you decide which days you work at the office. On the remaining days you can work remotely from home, but you are always more than welcome to work at the office too.
Scope: Full time
Form of employment: Permanent employment, 6 months trial period
Other: We screen the applications and hold interviews continuously so please send your application as soon as possible via the link.
We encourage and eagerly welcome all applications, but we will only consider candidates who are located and have the legal right to work inSweden.We will ask for verification during the process.A background check will be done before hiring.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Read more about us here!
Are you interested in Cambio but you don’t feel that this position is the perfect match? Check out our other open positions at the career site here!

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Associate Talent Acquisition Partner

Researcher, rekrytering
Läs mer Apr 15
Cambio is one of the Nordics' leading suppliers in e-health with a comprehensive offering for the entire health and care chain. Our e-health solutions support healthcare professionals in their daily work and offer patients safer and more easily accessible care. We are proud to be an important part of Swedish healthcare. We are growing continuously and now have about 900 employees in several countries.
Do you want to join our growing People Success team, finding and matching talents, helping us contribute to build a better society? Are you creative, curious, and persistent with a passion for talent acquisition? Then we have a fantastic opportunity for you (and us)!
The position
As an Associate Talent Acquisition Partner, you will work closely with our Talent Acquisition Partners and hiring managers and work with different parts of the recruitment cycle, including tasks such as, candidate sourcing, writing job adverts, screening applications and managing various recruitment admin tasks. Cambio is a tech company in expansive growth and our primarily focus is to recruit specialist positions within tech. That means that we must be creative and determined to find the very best candidates. Hence an important part of your daily job will be candidate sourcing and working with our candidate experience as well as working on our employer brand and other projects to increase the awareness of Cambio among our target group.
Given that our team holds overall responsibility for Talent Acquisition, with a broad scope of work, you will also be handling consultant recruitments, contribute to improving our processes and tools and take ownership of driving our engagement with students.
For the right candidate, there are excellent opportunities to grow into the role and take full responsibility for recruitment processes, working closely with hiring managers.
Aside from being part of the Talent Acquisition team, you are also part of the larger People Success team. Even though we have separate areas of responsibility, we work closely together in many aspects. We are looking for you who are humble and team-oriented, who can work independently but just like us value using our colleagues as a sounding board, for knowledge sharing and a good laugh.
A few words from Maria (Heading the People Success Team)
Do you want to have an impact and make things happen? This is the right opening for you.
I try to build a really strong team with a lot of freedom to work and deliver together. The team was actually rewarded at our Cambio Conference this year as the CARE team of the year and this was part of the motivation: The team demonstrates an exceptional commitment to Cambio's success, extending their care to our colleagues, customers, and everyone they encounter. About you
You are the type of person who takes the initiative when facing a challenge. For instance, analyzing reasons to why we are getting fewer candidates than expected for a recruitment process and then taking actions to mitigate. When you are assigned a task, we know that we can rely on you taking ownership and solving it well. You are good at prioritizing among your tasks and always strive to deliver with high quality and structure.
Experience of candidate sourcing within IT/Tech
Have an interest in tech recruitment and you are eager to learn more
Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal in Swedish and in English as it is required in our daily work

It's a bonus if you
University degree or other Post-secondary education within relevant field
Experience working with Teamtailor or similar ATS

Place of employment: Stockholm
At Cambio we value a healthy work-life balance, and to encourage that we apply a hybrid working-model. Together with your team you decide which days you work at the office. On the remaining days you can work remotely from home, but you are always more than welcome to work at the office too.
Scope: Full time
Form of employment: Permanent employment, 6 months trial period
Other: We screen the applications and hold interviews continuously so please send your application as soon as possible via the link.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Read more about us here!
Are you interested in Cambio but you don’t feel that this position is the perfect match? Check out our other open positions at the career site here!

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