Stockholm: Kry söker en legitimerad läkare till vårdcentral i Vasastan

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Kry söker en legitimerad läkare till vårdcentral i Vasastan i Stockholm. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Stockholm inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2022-06-23 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Tjänsten är en längre tillsvidareanställning med chans till ST inom allmänmedicin på sikt. Start omgående i augusti.

Om vårdcentralen
Krys vårdcentral Haga består av ett kompetent gäng medarbetare som alla arbetar teambaserat. På vårdcentralen finns sedvanlig distriktssköterskemottagning, diabetes- och astma-/KOL-mottagning, ett psykosocialt team, BVC samt en rehabkoordinator, allmänspecialister, läkare och fysioterapeut.

Vi söker dig som

- Har en svensk läkarlegitimation.

- Har tidigare arbetat på en vårdcentral och/eller akutmottagning.

- Har goda kunskaper i svenska, både i tal och skrift. Ytterligare språkkunskaper är meriterande.

- Har goda tekniska kunskaper, om du tidigare arbetat med digitala vårdmöten är det meriterande.

- Är bekväm med att skriva journaler själv, alternativt dikterat via Max Manus.

- Arbetar evidensbaserat, är professionell i ditt bemötande och värnar om att sätta patienten först.

- Har god samarbetsförmåga och är lyhörd mot både kollegor och patienter.

Vi erbjuder

- En vårdcentral under förändring och utveckling, med stort fokus på bemötande där vi sätter medicinsk kvalitet och patientsäkerhet som högsta prioritet.

- Möjligheten att vara med och utveckla en vårdcentral under och därmed vara med på resan att förändra primärvården.

- Involvering i det medicinska planeringsarbetet för vårdcentralen med verktyg, processer samt rutiner och riktlinjer.

- En positiv arbetsplats, kollektivavtal och trevliga förmåner.

Övrig information

Start: Så snart som möjligt, enligt överenskommelse.
Plats: Hälsingegatan 49, Stockholm.
Omfattning: Heltid, tillsvidareanställning.
Arbetstider: Mån-fre, 08-17.
Lön: Månadslön enligt överenskommelse.

Om Kry

Kry är en av de snabbast växande aktörerna inom primärvård i Sverige. Men vi skiljer oss från mängden på fler sätt än så. Hos oss är innovation ett ledord, och genom att utmana status quo driver vi en utveckling som gör högkvalitativ, modern vård mer tillgänglig för alla. Allt vi gör är utformat efter hur människor faktiskt lever sina liv idag. Genom att bygga vårdmottagningar med fokus på patienternas behov, anställa enastående vårdpersonal och se till att de trivs, samt utveckla teknik som gör det enklare att få - och ge - vård, revolutionerar vi sjukvården och skapar verklig förändring i människors liv.

Kry lyder under Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter samt IVO:s tillsyn och omfattas bl.a. av hälso- och sjukvårdslagen, personuppgiftslagen, patientdatalagen och patientsäkerhetslagen. För mer information om Kry besök gärna vår (


Låter tjänsten intressant? Skicka enkelt in din ansökan genom att svara på urvalsfrågorna, vi rekryterar löpande! Vid frågor vänligen kontakta ansvarig rekryterare eller klicka här ( för att läsa mer om hur det är att arbeta som läkare hos oss!

Alla platsannonser →

Andra jobb i Stockholm som Läkare

Nedan visas andra jobb i Stockholm som Läkare.

Vi söker allmänmedicinläkare till sommaruppdrag i Stockholm!

Läs mer Apr 10
Våren är i allra högsta grad här nu och sommaren är runt hörnet! Nu söker vi på Big Care allmänmedicinläkare till hyruppdrag i Stockholm på diverse olika uppdrag sommaren 2024.
Kommande sommarbehov
-Det kommer dagligen ut uppdrag inom Stor-Stockholms området.
- Det finns alla olika typer av uppdrag som exempelvis kan sträcka sig över månader med heltidstimmar eller ströpass alt. intensivt korttidskontrakt. Vi anpassar uppdrag efter dina behov och önskemål.
- Mycket pass börjar tillkomma för sommaren redan nu!!
-Svenskt legitimerad allmänmedicinläkare.
-Adekvat svenska i tal såväl som skrift
-Du som söker bör vara trygg i din yrkesroll samt ha lätt för att anpassa dig till nya arbetssituationer och rutiner.

Ansök nu

Läkare sökes till Estetisk klinik

Läs mer Mar 17
F. Imanuell AB är en estetisk klinik i centrala Stockholm, på Östermalm. På kliniken utförs både estetiska- och medicinska behandlingar. Kliniken har samarbete med specialistläkare inom olika medicinska områden och tex. kirurgi i lokalbedövning utförs på kliniken.
Vi söker nu fler samarbetspartners, vi är öppna för olika förslag inom både estetisk och medicinsk behandling. Läs gärna mer om oss på vår hemsida och kontakta oss med förslag, eller frågor, om du är intresserad av ett samarbete. Välkommen att höra höra av dig till oss!

Ansök nu

Läkare med möjlighet till ST/BT

Läs mer Feb 2
Om oss

Curera är en liten och hemtrevlig vårdcentral belägen i Farsta Centrum med bra möjligheter till kollektivtrafik. Vår mottagning är placerad i läkarhuset med närhet till röntgen, lab och specialistmottagningar.
Vi är ett kompetent och engagerat team på ungefär 20 personer som tillsammans har hand drygt 7000 listade patienter. Patientgruppen är varierande vilket många tycker är stimulerande.

Vi sätter människan i fokus och arbetar varje dag för att bli lite bättre. Vi har även en fristående BVC med amningsmottagning knuten till vår verksamhet så det finns möjlighet att få även den biten när du jobbar hos oss.

Vår vardag är varierande och vi arbetar mycket i team kring våra patienter och vet att våra olikheter utvecklar oss. Vi arbetar tillsammans och du kan förvänta dig ett stort stöd från läkargruppen och övriga kollegor.

Om dig

Vi söker dig som är läkare med intresse av primärvård. Du är trygg i din yrkesroll, gillar utmaningar och
ser möjligheter snare än hinder. Vi värdesätter laganda och förmåga/vilja att
ta egna initiativ.

Vi undanber oss vänligt men bestämt all direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansökningarna kommer att hanteras löpande under ansökningstiden.

Din roll

I arbetet som läkare hos oss har du ett mycket varierat arbete med utredning och behandling av patienter i alla åldrar. Du har ett nära samarbete med övriga professioner på mottagningen och hanterar både planerade och akuta besök. Vi arbetar dagligen med rond/sambedömning där du som läkare tillsammans med sjuksköterska gör en medicinsk bedömning av icke akuta patienter.

I arbetet ingår även arbete i vår digitala plattform och du kommer att få regelbunden handledning av erfaren kollega.

Arbetet inom primärvården förändras hela tiden, det gör att vi tycker att det är viktigt med kompetensutveckling och uppmuntrar dig att gå kurser och utbildningar och uppmuntrar även nya idéer.

Vi erbjuder dig

- Erfarna och engagerade kollegor som känner patienterna väl

- En arbetsplats med god stämning och stor gemenskap

- Engagerad ledning och korta beslutsvägar

- Möjlighet till både personlig utveckling och att driva förbättringsarbete

- Inflytande och delaktighet i verksamheten

- Flexibla arbetsförutsättningar

- Konkurrenskraftig lön utifrån din specifika kompetens

- Friskvårdsbidrag

- Kollektivavtal

- Fredagsfrukost varje vecka

Om dig

För att vara aktuell för den här tjänsten är du legitimerad läkare med intresse för primärvård. Det är meriterande om du har arbetat på vårdcentral tidigare, men det viktigaste för oss är att du har rätt inställning. Du värnar om att hålla hög kvalitet i ditt arbete - alltid med ett helhetstänk och med patienten i fokus. Vi värdesätter laganda och förmåga att ta initiativ. Som person är du tydlig, flexibel och förtroendeingivande samt har god förmåga att strukturera och prioritera.

Du gillar utmaningar, vill vara delaktig i vårdcentralens utveckling och ser samarbete med kollegor som viktiga parametrar.

Inför tillsvidareanställningar tillämpar vi alltid först sex månaders provanställning.


Sista ansökningsdag:

Vi undanber oss vänligt men bestämt all direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansök nu

Specialistläkare inom geriatrik

Läs mer Dec 29
Om oss
Vi söker dig som är specialistläkare inom geriatrik och vill vara med och utveckla den geriatriska vården med oss!

Capio Geriatrik Vårberg öppnade 2020 och erbjuder 66 vårdplatser uppdelat på fyra allmängeriatriska avdelningar med 16-17 vårdplatser vardera. Vi har direktintag dygnet runt och ett högt flöde av in- och utskrivningar.

Vi är liten verksamhet med en välkomnande och familjär känsla där beslutsvägarna är korta vilket ger dig stor möjlighet att utvecklas och påverka verksamheten framåt. Vårt arbete baseras på ett starkt teamsamarbete med stort engagemang hos medarbetare och ledning. Det är angeläget för oss att alla känner delaktighet för vårt arbete och skapar en arbetsmiljö som stärker vår gemenskap.

Din roll

Vi söker en specialistläkare, en arbetsledande roll, som vill arbeta med geriatrisk vård i ett multiprofessionellt team. Du är patientansvarig läkare för en avdelning men roterar regelbundet inom verksamhetens avdelningar. Du ansvarar för handledning av de underläkare och ST-läkare som du arbetar tillsammans med. Du ingår i ett team med andra specialister, där ni stöttar och hjälper varandra. Bakjoursarbete ingår i samarbete med Nynäshamns geriatrik och jourkompsledighet ska regelbundet tas ut för en god återhämtning.

Vi dokumenterar i journalsystemet TakeCare och har hjälp av vårdadministratörer med journalskrivning av epikrisdiktat.

Vi erbjuder dig

- Kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling inom Capios egen Academy och uppdragsutbildningar.

- Du kommer att få strukturerad introduktion och vara en del i en engagerad läkargrupp med nära samarbete.

- Frukost på fredagar, kollektivavtal, friskvårdsbidrag och andra personalförmåner.

Inom Capio arbetar vi mycket strukturerat med kvalitet för att kunna ge våra patienter bästa möjliga vård. Vi arbetar systematiskt utifrån tydliga riktlinjer och mäter och följer kontinuerligt upp vårt arbete. Här kommer du att vara en viktig del i förbättringsarbetet och utvecklingen av verksamheten.

Våra värdeord - kvalitet, samhällsansvar, innovation och empowerment - står i centrum för allt arbete och vi har ett starkt fokus på förbättringsarbete och samarbete mellan olika yrkeskategorier för att kunna ge våra patienter bästa möjliga vård. Hos oss kan du förvänta dig en arbetsplats präglad av utvecklingsmöjligheter och teamkänsla.

Om dig

Du har en svensk läkarlegitimation med specialistkompetens inom geriatrik med erfarenhet från slutenvården. Vi ser gärna att du trivs med att arbeta i team och kan bidra med din kunskap över professionsgränserna. Stor vikt läggs vid personlig lämplighet, ett gott bemötande, god samarbetsförmåga och ett genuint intresse för geriatrik och teamarbete. Du har ett positivt, initiativrikt och flexibelt förhållningssätt och känner dig trygg i din yrkesroll samt har förmåga att se verksamheten ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Arbetet kräver goda kunskaper i svenska i tal och skrift. Meriterande att ha gått en relevant och aktuell handledarutbildning.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan till oss, urval och intervjuer sker löpande!

Publicerat: 2023.12.29

Sista ansökningsdag: 2024.01.31

Vi undanber oss vänligt men bestämt all direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av jobbannonser.

Ansök nu

Anestesiläkare till privat plastikkirurgisk verksamhet

Läs mer Apr 8
Plastikkirurgen Stockholm bedriver privat plastikkirurgi i Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm. Vi växer och söker därför nu ytterligare en anestesiläkare till vårt framgångsrika team. Läs mer om oss och vår verksamhet här –

Vi söker dig som är legitimerad läkare inom anestesi med minst 5 års yrkeserfarenhet. Vi värdesätter en trygg och kompetent yrkesperson som trivs i sin arbetsroll. Goda kunskaper i svenska i tal och skrift är en förutsättning för tjänsten. Tidigare arbete inom privat plastikkirurgi är meriterande.

Personliga egenskaper
Vi söker dig som är en trevlig och social person med både patienter och kollegor samt besitter en hög social kompetens. Du ska ha en god samarbetsförmåga och flexibilitet med kollegor.

Vårt erbjudande
· Fast anställning eller konsultuppdrag
· Tjänstgöring 25-100 %
· Arbetstid kl 0800-1700
· Operationsdagar måndag-torsdag
· Konkurrenskraftig lön
· Tjänstepension
· Friskvårdsbidrag
Sista ansökningsdag 31 maj 2024. Vid frågor kontakta Tobias Lange, Operativ chef tel: 070-818 20 62 mail:

Ansök nu

Andra jobb i Stockholm från KRY International AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Stockholm från KRY International AB .

IT Engineer - Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Säkerhetsadministratör, IT
Läs mer Apr 2
Despite healthcare spending at an all-time high, patient waiting time is getting longer, and patients aren’t accessing the quality of care they deserve. At Kry, we believe we can play a fundamental role in changing this. For the past seven years, we’ve been on a journey to deliver and fix healthcare, for less.
As Europe’s leading digital healthcare provider and one of the largest healthcare providers in Sweden, we believe that providing accessible and affordable healthcare has never been more important. Our vision has been consistent and clear: great healthcare for everyone. Do you share our vision and want to be part of shaping the future of healthcare?
We are currently looking for a new IT Engineer - Identity and access management (IAM) colleague to the IT Productivity Applications team. The team's goal is to enable smart ways of working to all our amazing colleagues at Kry using great tools.
About the job:
As an IT Engineer with Azure Active Directory (AD) / Entra expertise you will work with analysing, building and maintaining flows for identity and access management. This includes integrations with the HRIS and other business supporting applications, configurations, automations, documentation and implementation of both backend and end user facing solutions.
You will continuously analyse the current workflows/processes to identify areas of improvement within Azure AD / Entra with the end goal to create a great end user experience from onboarding to offboarding.
You will use PowerShell and MS Graph in order to script and automate IAM processes and also in integrations in downstream systems.
You will participate in projects, stakeholder management, design discussions, and implementations with the objective to apply state of the art solutions.
You will join a team that owns several productivity tools and consists of members with different specialities . Therefore we are looking for you who thrives on learning other tools and contributes to the teams’ tasks developing and maintaining these tools. The team manages tools outside of the Microsoft specialisation scope such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Make, Miro, Slack etc.

Who you are:
You have 4-5 years relevant experience of working with IAM flows implemented in Microsoft Azure AD / Entra and supporting technologies.
You are up to date with state of the art setups in Microsoft solutions.
More specifically, knowledge within Azure AD / Entra and IAM flows is a must, as well as scripting competence in MS PowerShell and MS graph. General knowledge in the rest of the M365 suite is considered a plus.
It’s a plus if you have experience from working in fragmented IT environments and technical setups as a result of company acquisitions.
You are a user-oriented, positive team player and sharing knowledge is something you do and encourage.
You enjoy helping others by interpreting technological needs and transferring them into functional solutions.
You are excited by the prospect of new challenges and continuously improving the experience for our employees.
You are a curious person that feels excited to join a team where we strive to learn from each other and challenge the ideas of one another.

Join us and shape your future as well as ours!
If you think you’re up to the challenge, come and help us to grow, innovate and develop! A diverse workforce is an absolute necessity for anyone with a vision like ours: to provide great healthcare for everyone. Therefore we celebrate differences and are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all employees can truly belong and thrive. We offer a hybrid way of working where we aim to be at our great office at least 3 days a week to cater for a great relationship with our colleagues.
About Kry/Livi
Kry/Livi is the European leader in digital healthcare, allowing patients to see a doctor, nurse, or psychologist online within minutes. We also combine digital with physical care, transforming how millions of patients access healthcare. Headquartered in Stockholm, we are committed to improving the world’s health through innovation, one patient at a time. In Sweden and Norway we are called Kry. In the UK and France, we operate under the name Livi.
Submissions and Questions
Please submit your application by including your CV or LinkedIn. No submission will be accepted via email, nor when the job posting has become inactive. All applications must go via the careers site or an official Kry / Livi job post. If you have any questions regarding jobs or our recruitment process, please read our FAQ.

Ansök nu

IT Security Engineer

Säkerhetsanalytiker, IT
Läs mer Mar 9
Despite healthcare spending at an all-time high, patient waiting time is getting longer, and patients aren’t accessing the quality of care they deserve. At Kry, we believe we can play a fundamental role in changing this. For the past seven years, we’ve been on a journey to deliver and fix healthcare, for less. As Europe’s leading digital healthcare provider and one of the largest healthcare providers in Sweden, we believe that providing accessible and affordable healthcare has never been more important. Our vision has been consistent and clear: great healthcare for everyone. Do you share our vision and want to be part of shaping the future of healthcare?
The role
We are looking for an exceptional Senior Security Engineer to join our IT Infrastructure & Security team and to help us level up the security posture of the entire company. You are able to navigate across different projects and teams in a highly changing environment, enjoying the challenge of providing security solutions for engineering teams and clinicians, across all our markets.

What you will do
Lead and do hands-on technical work in areas of Security Operations and IT Security.
Act as an advisory for security concepts across the organization, in domains such as Application Security, Compliance & Cloud Security
Embed in domain expert teams to facilitate implementations of security features.
Collaborate with IT Managers to understand our risks and help prioritize proactive work, but also to develop a tactical security roadmap.
Participate in our Security operations rotation to monitor and react to real time threats and vulnerabilities.
Share knowledge and spread awareness about good security practices to the wider organisation.
Work on automating and scaling our detection and response capabilities using both open source software and managed services.
Mentor other Security Engineers.

Technologies you’ll come in contact with:
Linux / MacOS / Windows
AWS / Azure / Google Cloud experience
Java / Python / Github experience is desirable but not required
Several industry standard security tools including EDR and SIEM.
Vulnerability Management

Who you are
Relevant hands-on technical experience as a Security Engineer or Software Engineer with security responsibilities.
Experience in Security monitoring and Incident handling using SIEM and endpoint monitoring tools.
Excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and written and you are comfortable with presenting your work. Swedish is a bonus!
You have a generalist problem-solving mindset and love to learn new technologies.
You thrive in a role with a lot of freedom and responsibility.
You are pragmatic and eager to understand how your work relates to business value.
Curiosity to learn, explore and collaborate with those around you.
Ability to work both independently and as part of a team with people from different backgrounds.
You possess a strong “can do” attitude, with a mindset for troubleshooting and a passion for service.

Join us and shape your future as well as ours!
If you think you’re up to the challenge, come and help us to grow, innovate and develop! A diverse workforce is an absolute necessity for anyone with a vision like ours: to provide great healthcare for everyone. Therefore we celebrate differences and are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all employees can truly belong and thrive. We offer a hybrid way of working where we aim to be at our great office at least 3 days a week to cater for a great relationship with our colleagues.
About Kry/Livi
Kry/Livi is the European leader in digital healthcare, allowing patients to see a doctor, nurse, or psychologist online within minutes. We also combine digital with physical care, transforming how millions of patients access healthcare. Headquartered in Stockholm, we are committed to improving the world’s health through innovation, one patient at a time. In Sweden and Norway we are called Kry. In the UK and France, we operate under the name Livi.
Submissions and Questions
Please submit your application by including your CV or LinkedIn. No submission will be accepted via email, nor when the job posting has become inactive. All applications must go via the careers site or an official Kry / Livi job post. If you have any questions regarding jobs or our recruitment process, please read our FAQ.

Ansök nu

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Engineer

Säkerhetsadministratör, IT
Läs mer Okt 23
Despite healthcare spending at an all-time high, patient waiting time is getting longer, and patients aren’t accessing the quality of care they deserve. At Kry, we believe we can play a fundamental role in changing this. For the past seven years, we’ve been on a journey to deliver and fix healthcare, for less.
As Europe’s leading digital healthcare provider and one of the largest healthcare providers in Sweden, we believe that providing accessible and affordable healthcare has never been more important. Our vision has been consistent and clear: great healthcare for everyone. Do you share our vision and want to be part of shaping the future of healthcare?
We are currently looking for a new Identity and access management (IAM) Engineer colleague to the IT Productivity Applications team. The team's goal is to enable smart ways of working to all our amazing colleagues at Kry using great tools.
About the job:
As an IT Engineer with Azure Active Directory (AD) / Entra expertise you will work with analysing, building and maintaining flows for identity and access management. This includes integrations with the HRIS and other business supporting applications, configurations, automations, documentation and implementation of both backend and end user facing solutions.
You will continuously analyse the current workflows/processes to identify areas of improvement within Azure AD / Entra with the end goal to create a great end user experience from onboarding to offboarding.
You will use PowerShell and MS Graph in order to script and automate IAM processes and also in integrations in downstream systems.
You will participate in projects, stakeholder management, design discussions, and implementations with the objective to apply state of the art solutions.
You will join a team that owns several productivity tools and consists of members with different specialities . Therefore we are looking for you who thrives on learning other tools and contributes to the teams’ tasks developing and maintaining these tools. The team manages tools outside of the Microsoft specialisation scope such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Make, Miro, Slack etc.

Who you are:
You have 4-5 years relevant experience of working with IAM flows implemented in Microsoft Azure AD / Entra and supporting technologies.
You are up to date with state of the art setups in Microsoft solutions.
More specifically, knowledge within Azure AD / Entra and IAM flows is a must, as well as scripting competence in MS PowerShell and MS graph. General knowledge in the rest of the M365 suite is considered a plus.
It’s a plus if you have experience from working in fragmented IT environments and technical setups as a result of company acquisitions.
You are a user-oriented, positive team player and sharing knowledge is something you do and encourage.
You enjoy helping others by interpreting technological needs and transferring them into functional solutions.
You are excited by the prospect of new challenges and continuously improving the experience for our employees.
You are a curious person that feels excited to join a team where we strive to learn from each other and challenge the ideas of one another.

Join us and shape your future as well as ours!
If you think you’re up to the challenge, come and help us to grow, innovate and develop! A diverse workforce is an absolute necessity for anyone with a vision like ours: to provide great healthcare for everyone. Therefore we celebrate differences and are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all employees can truly belong and thrive. We offer a hybrid way of working where we aim to be at our great office at least 3 days a week to cater for a great relationship with our colleagues.
About Kry/Livi
Kry/Livi is the European leader in digital healthcare, allowing patients to see a doctor, nurse, or psychologist online within minutes. We also combine digital with physical care, transforming how millions of patients access healthcare. Headquartered in Stockholm, we are committed to improving the world’s health through innovation, one patient at a time. In Sweden and Norway we are called Kry. In the UK and France, we operate under the name Livi.
Submissions and Questions
Please submit your application by including your CV or LinkedIn. No submission will be accepted via email, nor when the job posting has become inactive. All applications must go via the careers site or an official Kry / Livi job post. If you have any questions regarding jobs or our recruitment process, please read our FAQ.

Ansök nu

Analyst Intern

Läs mer Okt 11
Despite healthcare spending at an all-time high, patient waiting time is getting longer, and patients aren’t accessing the quality of care they deserve. At Kry, we believe we can play a unique role in changing this. For the past seven years, we’ve been on a journey to deliver and fix healthcare, for less.
As Europe’s leading digital healthcare provider and one of the largest healthcare providers in Sweden, we believe that providing accessible and affordable healthcare has never been more important. Our vision has been consistent and clear: great healthcare for everyone. Do you share our vision and want to be part of shaping the future of healthcare?
About the job
We are now looking for a Junior Analyst that is highly motivated, has a administrative capability and a good sense of quality. In this role you will have a wide range of tasks and get to develop your skills.
Healthcare needs data. If you are passionate about turning data into insights, this is the role for you! As a member of our friendly and knowledgeable Analytics team, with members based in Sweden, France and UK, you will be part of gaining a deep understanding of our tech products and healthcare operations around Europe to impact the strategy and direction of Kry/LIVI.
What you will do
Initial work (approx 6-12 months) will focus much on learning our ways of working, toolset and data sets. You will be collaborating closely with the entire Analytics team and learning by doing while working hands-on with:
Data pipelining and exploration work
Administer analytical cases, from simple to more advanced (learning our data sets and working with stakeholders, applying and developing your analytical skills)

You will have the opportunity to grow in a multitude of administrative and analytical areas.
Your work will include
Working with the Head of Business Operations to administer the business intelligence capability within the Business Operations team
Day-to-day monitoring of business performance and effective, quick communication to begin the solving of any problems
Support analysis of project performance and creating clear initiatives to drive future success

Who you are
Newly graduated from school or a few years of experience in hands-on data analysis from a role as Analyst, Data Scientist, Management Consultant or similar.
You are an analytical person who can draw conclusions based on data
You are a great teammate with good communication and presentation skills
Proficient in english (business language)
You have an interest in business and tech
You are structured and curious

Our offer to you includes
Permanent employment in a fun, impactful team
A strong emphasis on your development through hands-on training
Chance to be part of an innovative, fast growing company
Annual Wellness Benefit (money to spend on massages, yoga or gym membership!)
Pension Contribution and parental leave top up
The opportunity to have a distinct, positive impact on the future of healthcare for millions of patients

Join us and shape your future as well as ours!
If you think you’re up to the challenge, come and help us to grow, innovate and develop!
A diverse workforce is an absolute necessity for anyone with a vision like ours: to provide great healthcare for everyone. Therefore we celebrate differences and are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all employees can truly belong and thrive. We offer a hybrid way of working where we aim to be at our great office at least 3 days a week to cater for a great relationship with our colleagues.
About Kry/Livi
Kry/Livi is the European leader in digital healthcare, allowing patients to see a doctor, nurse, or psychologist online within minutes. We also combine digital with physical care, transforming how millions of patients access healthcare. Headquartered in Stockholm, we are committed to improving the world’s health through innovation, one patient at a time. In Sweden and Norway we are called Kry. In the UK and France, we operate under the name Livi.
Submissions and Questions
Please submit your application by including your CV, LinkedIn, GitHub, or Portfolio (where applicable). No submission will be accepted via email, nor when the job posting has become inactive. All applications must go via the careers site or an official Kry / Livi job post. Due to the summer vacation period, interview process will begin in the middle of August. If you have any questions regarding jobs or our recruitment process, please read our FAQ.

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IT Engineer - M365/Azure AD

Processansvarig, ITIL
Läs mer Sep 15
Despite healthcare spending at an all-time high, patient waiting time is getting longer, and patients aren’t accessing the quality of care they deserve. At Kry, we believe we can play a unique role in changing this. For the past seven years, we’ve been on a journey to deliver and fix healthcare, for less.
As Europe’s leading digital healthcare provider and one of the largest healthcare providers in Sweden, we believe that providing accessible and affordable healthcare has never been more important. Our vision has been consistent and clear: great healthcare for everyone. Do you share our vision and want to be part of shaping the future of healthcare?

We are currently looking for a new IT Engineer colleague to the IT Productivity Application team. The team's goal is to enable smart ways of working to all our amazing colleagues at Kry using great tools.
About the job
As an IT Engineer with Microsoft expertise you will work with configurations, automations, documentation and implementation of both backend and user facing solutions in the Microsoft environment.
You will continuously analyse the current workflows/processes to identify areas of improvement in the productivity applications of Microsoft 365.
You will participate in projects, stakeholder management, design discussions, and implementations with the objective to apply state of the art solutions.
You will join an IT team that owns several productivity tools and consists of several members with different tool areas meaning the person we are looking for will have the possibility to learn about other tools and is expected to learn and perform basic tasks in other tools. The team manages tools outside of the Microsoft specialisation scope such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Make, Miro, Slack etc.

Who you are
You have 4-5 years experience of working in the Microsoft productivity, collaboration and management suites.
You are up to date with state of the art setups in Microsoft solutions.
You are a IT engineer, more specifically within the M365 suite and Azure AD (Azure AD, M365 is a must - MS Windows, MS Intune, ATP, Defender etc. is a plus).
It’s a plus if you have experience from working in fragmented IT environments and technical setups as a result of company acquisitions.
You are a user-oriented and positive team player
You enjoy helping others by interpreting technological needs and transferring them into functional solutions.
You are excited by the prospect of new challenges and continuously improving the experience for our employees.
Sharing knowledge is something you do and encourage.
You are a curious person that feels excited to join a team where we strive to learn from each other and challenge the ideas of one another.

Join us and shape your future as well as ours!
If you think you’re up to the challenge, come and help us to grow, innovate and develop! A diverse workforce is an absolute necessity for anyone with a vision like ours: to provide great healthcare for everyone. Therefore we celebrate differences and are committed to creating an inclusive environment where all employees can truly belong and thrive. We offer a hybrid way of working where we aim to be at our great office at least 3 days a week to cater for a great relationship with our colleagues.
About Kry/Livi
Kry/Livi is the European leader in digital healthcare, allowing patients to see a doctor, nurse, or psychologist online within minutes. We also combine digital with physical care, transforming how millions of patients access healthcare. Headquartered in Stockholm, we are committed to improving the world’s health through innovation, one patient at a time. In Sweden and Norway we are called Kry. In the UK and France, we operate under the name Livi.
Submissions and Questions
Please submit your application by including your CV, LinkedIn, GitHub, or Portfolio (where applicable). No submission will be accepted via email, nor when the job posting has become inactive. All applications must go via the careers site or an official Kry / Livi job post. Due to the summer vacation period, interview process will begin in the middle of August. If you have any questions regarding jobs or our recruitment process, please read our FAQ.

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IT Engineer

Läs mer Apr 18
Our vision is to provide great healthcare for everyone. That’s why we’re on a mission to make healthcare more accessible. We’ve already come a long way by creating Europe’s leading healthcare platform, that made seamless health journeys between digital and physical appointments a reality. By creating an ecosystem of tools and providers, our platform will be the go-to place for health-related issues.
We are now looking for a IT Engineer that will join us to build an even better and more complete healthcare experience. This is a full-time position where you will get the opportunity to learn a lot about new and on-topic technologies and work closely with IT, Security, and many other parts of the company. We think that you are in the mid-level stage of your career and want to grow with Kry/Livi. Furthermore, we think you are a service-minded person who believes in giving exceptional employee service and likes to share your knowledge with others.
About the job:
As a IT Engineer at Kry/Livi, you will build, develop, and support Kry/Livi tools, such as Salesforce, Zendesk, Quinyx, and Slack
You will work with Automation, configuration, documentation and implementation of changes required for fulfilling the needs of different teams
Continuously analyze the current workflows/processes to identify areas of improvement in these tools
Assist in project discussions, designs, and implementations
Identify tooling deficiencies across the organization and work on implementing global solutions where possible
Assist with user training sessions

Who you are:
Experience in working with Advanced Salesforce Administration and Zendesk Administration
Extra points for other additional valid Salesforce certification or Quinyx/Slack Administration experience
You are user-oriented, enthusiastic and a positive team player
You are excited by the prospect of new challenges and continually improving the experience for our employees and patients
We are a fast-growing organization and therefore value versatility and the ability to shift focus to the company needs
You enjoy helping others by interpreting technological needs and transferring them into functional solutions.
Sharing knowledge is something that you do and encourage

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