Stockholm: Lead Data Engineer

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Publicerad: 2021-11-25 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Lead Data Engineer

Do you have experience in data engineering and want to be part of building something huge, from scratch? Are you motivated by using cutting-edge technologies and taking a Lead role in a growing product company?

Join SeenThis as Lead Data Engineer and become an important part of creating a systematic and structured approach to data collection, to empower a data-driven culture and product development.

About SeenThis
SeenThis is a streaming technology company that optimizes the delivery of videos and images to improve speed, quality and conversion for our clients. We were founded 2017 in Stockholm, and we now have local hubs in Oslo, London, New York and Singapore that serve over 1,000 clients, who collectively push petabytes of data through our systems each month. If you’re wondering about requests per second, we’ll tell you over a Zoom coffee.

Today, our technology is first and foremost used for digital advertising, but we’ve just launched products for online retailers where load speed and quality of video and images on e-com sites are of equally high importance for great conversion rates.

That sounds cool, but what about the people?”

Well, here you can find pretty much everyone. Nerds, introverts, extroverts, sales gurus, start-up junkies, 9-to-5ers, daydreamers, visionaries - yes, we even have an office plant named Fred.

Our tech team describes our culture as encouraging, inclusive, and innovative. They believe that both personal and professional growth comes from relentlessly solving new and evermore complex problems by testing new solutions together with people that both challenges you and makes you laugh. They believe in you, and your ability to deliver what is expected, and will give you the freedom to choose how.

We are growing fast and just raised a new round of financing to fuel the buildout of our organization and the resulting global expansion. Although we’ve already come a long way, we feel like our journey just has begun and hope that you want to join this fantastic team on our mission to “speed up the internet”.

About the role

SeenThis generates a lot of interesting data that we want to utilize in a much more sophisticated way, to optimize our services. For example, we measure product and technology performance with data points such as video metrics, impressions, and data transfer efficiency - which, in the long run, could be used to help lower our customers’ carbon footprint.

As a Lead Data Engineer, you will build the foundation for our data-driven culture, by designing, developing and optimizing our data warehouse and ETL pipelines, with the use of state-of-the-art cloud technology.

You will be an important first piece of the puzzle in the SeenThis’ Data Engineering team and you will work closely with our tech, product, and business teams to empower data-driven decisions.

We believe you have:

- Relevant education with a degree in engineering or similar

- 5+ years of experience as a Data Engineer or similar positions

- Experience in modern tools for data collection and aggregation

- Solid programming skills, for example in Python and/or JavaScript

- A burning curiosity and interest in data, machine learning, fast data, big data, data governance, data models, data warehouse, data insights - or all of the above!

- Working proficiency and communication skills in verbal and written English

Preferred experience:

- You have created data collection systems from scratch in a startup/tech company

- Experience using GCP BigQuery, AWS Redshift, Postgres

We offer you:
- The opportunity to grow with a Swedish tech company

- Responsibility for the technical data-engineering function to create something brand new

- Great compensation for great work

- A flexible work place with a remote hybrid policy, and a social HQ office by the water, close to Södermalm in Stockholm

We are excited to welcome you to the SeenThis-family! ????

Please apply as soon as possible as we review applications and interview on a continuous basis.

If you have any questions regarding the role please contact Talent Acquisition Manager Ronja Hultkrantz,

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Andra jobb i Stockholm som Data Warehouse specialist

Nedan visas andra jobb i Stockholm som Data Warehouse specialist.

Erfaren Data Engineer

Läs mer Apr 11
Hos oss får du arbeta med kollegor och verksamheter som precis som du förstått styrkan i data. Tillsammans med våra kunder skapar vi förutsättningar för bättre beslutsfattande och effektivare organisationer. Tack vare hög efterfrågan på vår kompetens tar vi nu in fler till teamet. Ansök idag och bli vår kollega! Om rollen Som Data Engineer och konsult hos Knowit får du möjlighet att verka inom hela Data och Analytics-kedjan, från strategi, utveckling, databearbetning och analys, till visualisering. Du får arbeta med tekniska lösningar som ligger i framkant som hjälper våra kunder till ökade insikter och datadrivna beslut. Som konsult får du erfarenhet och kunskap av flera olika branscher och verksamheter. Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter kommer innefatta design, utveckling och underhåll av automatiserade arbetsflöden och pipelines för att hämta, organisera och transformera data från olika källor. I tvärfunktionella team skapar du förutsättningar för dataanalytiker och maskininlärningsingenjörer att bygga stabila analyslösningar genom att se till att data finns på rätt plats, i rätt format och i rätt tid.
Om dig Du vill arbeta med tekniken och trivs samtidigt med att kommunicera affärsmöjligheter som ny teknik medför. Du trivs med många kontaktytor och samarbetar gärna med personer från både verksamhet och IT. Som person är du ansvarstagande och uppskattar därför självledarskap. Om du inte varit konsult tidigare, är du nyfiken på att testa denna breda roll. Eftersom våra kunder är både nationella och internationella behöver du kunna svenska och engelska i tal och skrift. Vi söker dig som har minst 5 års relevant erfarenhet och goda kunskaper om:
Data pipelines - exempelvis Azure Data factory, DBT, AWS Data pipeline, Microsoft SSIS, SAS DI Studio
BI ramverk och arkitektur
Kodning inom exempelvis Python och
Datalager och datamodellering
Agila metoder

Vi erbjuder … ett team om 45 Data och Analytics-specialister som ser sin arbetsplats som prestigelös, rolig och inspirerande. Hos oss får du en varierande och trygg arbetsmiljö där din kompetensutveckling värdesätts. Vi har kontinuerliga föreläsningar och seminarier där vi delar med oss av vår erfarenhet och vi har en stark gemenskap i form av kontinuerliga träffar för teambuilding, AW, konferensresor och liknande.
Ansök redan idag!Kontakta Jesper Senke, ansvarig rekryterare, om du vill veta mer om Knowit och rollen vi kan erbjuda dig. Rekryteringen sker löpande.

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Data Engineer till Attendo

Läs mer Apr 8
Vill du vara med och göra skillnad inom omsorgsbranschen? Attendo, Nordens största omsorgsföretag, söker nu en senior Data Engineer till vårt IT-team i Stockholm. Som Data Engineer hos oss kommer du att spela en avgörande roll i vår satsning att bygga en dataplattform för en data-driven organisation för att förbättra våra verksamheter och möta de växande behoven inom omsorgsbranschen.
Vad kommer du göra hos oss?
Du kommer att skapa och underhålla skalbara och säkra data warehouse-lösningar för att lagra och organisera data. Dessutom utvecklar och implementerar du effektiva ETL-processer för att extrahera, transformera och ladda data från olika källor. Samarbete med vårt integrationsteam för att utveckla och optimera programvarulösningar för datahantering är en central del av din roll. Du ansvarar för att säkerställa att dataflöden och processer är säkra och följer bästa praxis för dataskydd. Vidare implementerar och hanterar du molnbaserade lösningar för datahantering och äger datamodelleringsaktiviteter för att utforma och optimera databaser och datastrukturer. Att regelbundet utföra kontroller och underhåll av datakvalitet för att säkerställa att våra data är korrekta och tillförlitliga blir också en viktig del av din roll. Slutligen, att hålla dig uppdaterad om de senaste trenderna och teknikerna inom datateknik och tillämpa dem på våra projekt.
Vem är du?
För att lyckas i rollen tror vi att du har erfarenhet av ETL-processer och verktyg för att hantera stora datamängder samt starka programmeringskunskaper med förmåga att skriva effektiv och optimerad kod. Du bör besitta kunskap om datawarehouse-arkitektur och ha förmågan att bygga och underhålla skalbara lösningar. Förståelse för säkerhetsaspekter inom datahantering och erfarenhet av att arbeta med Azure-plattformen och dess olika tjänster för datahantering är avgörande. Förmåga att skapa och optimera data modeller för att möta specifika affärsbehov, samt noggrannhet och uppmärksamhet på detaljer för att säkerställa hög datakvalitet, är också viktiga kompetenser. Din förmåga att arbeta både självständigt och i team för att leverera resultat inom deadlines kommer att vara avgörande för din framgång i rollen.
Vad får du av oss?
På Attendo erbjuder vi en dynamisk och inkluderande arbetsmiljö där du kommer att ha möjlighet att växa och utvecklas. Vi är stolta över att vara en del av ett företag som leder utvecklingen inom omsorgsbranschen, och vi ser fram emot att välkomna dig till vårt team.

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Senior BI Utvecklare

Läs mer Apr 4
Vill du ta ditt konsultande till nästa nivå hos en av Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare? Vi vet vad du tänker. Du har hört det förut. Men tro oss, det har du inte. Vårt körsbär på konsulttårtan är något annat. Sök jobbet och smaka själv!
Som Senior BI-utvecklare kommer du att spela en avgörande roll i att utveckla och underhålla affärsintelligenslösningar som ger insikter och beslutsstöd till våra kunder. Du kommer att vara ansvarig för att utveckla, designa, implementera och optimera datamodeller, rapporter och visualiseringar med hjälp av moderna BI-verktyg och tekniker.
Djupgående kunskap om affärsintelligenskoncept och datamodellering.
Erfarenhet av BI-verktyg som Power BI och/ellerTableau.
Förmåga att förstå affärsbehov och översätta dem till tekniska lösningar.
Design och utveckling av ETL-processer för dataextraktion, transformation och laddning.
Integrering av data från olika källor, inklusive databaser, molntjänster och externa API:er.
Optimering av databasfrågor och prestandaförbättringar.
Skapande av interaktiva och informativa rapporter och dashboards.
Förståelse för datakvalitet och datarengöring.
Implementering av säkerhetsåtgärder för att skydda känslig affärsdata.
Kunskap om datavisualisering och användning av olika diagramtyper.
Arbete med avancerade funktioner som dataanalys, prediktiv analys och maskininlärning inom BI.
Integration med molntjänster som Azure eller AWS för att hantera och analysera data.
Dokumentation av BI-lösningar och skapande av användarhandböcker.
Samarbete med andra avdelningar och intressenter för att definiera krav och leverera lösningar.
Upprätthållande av kunskap om de senaste trenderna inom BI och datavisualisering.

Det bästa åt de bästa – vår personalfilosofi
Castra är en konsultgrupp inom IT och management. Eller ja, en elite squad kan man säga. Vi samlar de vassaste och mest erfarna konsulterna, helt enkelt för att det är hos oss de får ut max i både kapacitet och livskvalitet.
Vi är en av Sveriges bästa arbetsplatser. Det låter lite skrytsamt, förlåt. Men det är faktiskt inte vi som sagt det. Castra har sedan 2017 blivit certifierad av Great Place to Work och har de senaste tre åren blivit utnämnda till en av Sveriges Bästa Arbetsplatser. Som grädde på moset är vi även Gasell- och Karriärföretag.
På Castra tror vi på frihet, utveckling och gemenskap. Du som konsult styr själv vilka uppdrag du tar, när du jobbar, om du vill levla upp någon kompetens och hur och mycket lön och semester du tar ut. Att du får bygga din egen logga är bara ytterligare ett bevis. Trodde du det var allt? Då trodde du fel. Stöd av bra chefer, aktiviteter, kompetent och snabbfotad säljstyrka, möjlighet till delägarskap, stora möjligheter attpåverka bolagets framtid och härliga kollegor – listan på vad som gör Castra till en fantastisk arbetsplats kan göras lååång. Summan av kardemumman är att hos oss är möjligheterna bra nära oändliga. Win för alla parter, säger vi.
Castra har kontor i Göteborg, Stockholm, Eskilstuna, Malmö, Linköping, Norrköping, Örebro och Jönköping.
Läs mer om hur det är att jobba hos oss på
Har vi lyckats väcka din nyfikenhet?
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Senior Data Engineer

Läs mer Apr 4
Vill du ta ditt konsultande till nästa nivå hos en av Sveriges bästa arbetsgivare? Vill du ävenvara ennyckelperson inom datahantering och utveckling? Vi letar efter en Senior Data Engineer med en passion för att utforma och bygga robusta datalösningar. I denna roll kommer du att arbeta med några av de mest avancerade teknikerna och plattformarna för att omvandla rådata till värdefull insikt.
I rollen som Senior Data Engineer kommer du att vara ansvarig för att skapa och hantera datalake-miljöer där rådata samlas in, lagras och förbereds för analys. Ditt arbete kommer att inkludera utveckling av effektiva ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processer, vilket är avgörande för att omvandla rådata till användbar information.
Du kommer också att vara ansvarig för att säkerställa hög datakvalitet och att integrera data från olika källor. Detta kräver att du har förmågan att designa och underhålla dataarkitekturer som är skalbara och presterar på en hög nivå.
En viktig del av din roll är att använda molnplattformar som AWS, Azure eller Google Cloud för att hantera data i stor skala. Det innebär att du kommer att behöva arbeta med Big Data-tekniker som Hadoop, Spark och No-databaser för att hantera och analysera stora datamängder.
Dessutom kommer du att implementera realtidsdatalösningar med hjälp av streamingtekniker som Kafka eller Apache Flink och samarbeta med Data Scientists och Analysts för att förvandla data till meningsfulla insikter med hjälp av verktyg som Tableau eller Power BI.
Säkerhet är en central del av din roll, och du kommer att implementera säkerhetsåtgärder för att skydda känslig data och följa gällande säkerhetsstandarder och lagar.
Erfarenhet av datalake-design och ETL-processer.
Djup kunskap om och relaterade databastechniker.
Färdigheter i molnplattformar som AWS, Azure eller Google Cloud.
Erfarenhet av Big Data-verktyg som Hadoop och Spark.
Kunskap om streamingdata och realtidsdatalösningar.
Erfarenhet av datavisualisering och dataverktyg som Tableau eller Power BI.
Säkerhetsmedvetenhet och förmåga att implementera säkerhetsåtgärder.
Programmeringskunskap i Python, Java eller liknande.
Stark problemlösningsförmåga och förmåga att hantera komplexa dataprojekt.
Kommunikationsförmåga och förmåga att samarbeta i tvärfunktionella team.

Det bästa åt de bästa – vår personalfilosofi
Castra är en konsultgrupp inom IT och management. Eller ja, en elite squad kan man säga. Vi samlar de vassaste och mest erfarna konsulterna, helt enkelt för att det är hos oss de får ut max i både kapacitet och livskvalitet.
Vi är en av Sveriges bästa arbetsplatser. Det låter lite skrytsamt, förlåt. Men det är faktiskt inte vi som sagt det. Castra har sedan 2017 blivit certifierad av Great Place to Work och har de senaste tre åren blivit utnämnda till en av Sveriges Bästa Arbetsplatser. Som grädde på moset är vi även Gasell- och Karriärföretag.
På Castra tror vi på frihet, utveckling och gemenskap. Du som konsult styr själv vilka uppdrag du tar, när du jobbar, om du vill levla upp någon kompetens och hur och mycket lön och semester du tar ut. Att du får bygga din egen logga är bara ytterligare ett bevis. Trodde du det var allt? Då trodde du fel. Stöd av bra chefer, aktiviteter, kompetent och snabbfotad säljstyrka, möjlighet till delägarskap, stora möjligheter attpåverka bolagets framtid och härliga kollegor – listan på vad som gör Castra till en fantastisk arbetsplats kan göras lååång. Summan av kardemumman är att hos oss är möjligheterna bra nära oändliga. Win för alla parter, säger vi.
Castra har kontor i Göteborg, Stockholm, Eskilstuna, Malmö, Linköping, Norrköping, Örebro och Jönköping.
Läs mer om hur det är att jobba hos oss på
Har vi lyckats väcka din nyfikenhet?
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Data Engineer

Läs mer Mar 27
Elsa is looking for empathic data engineers with different interests and skill sets to enrich our warm and passionate team on the journey of supporting people with a chronic disease to live life to its fullest.
Who we are and what we believe
Elsa was founded to change the fact that there is no science-based, individualized treatment support for people living with chronic disease to optimize their quality of life.
Our goal is to be a motivational and educational digital platform that brings individuals, families, health care providers, medical companies and scientists together through seamless data sharing and powerful communication for a greater good: to detect and manage the illness, improve healthcare and empower the individual to reach a new normal and live life to its fullest.
What you'll do
As a Data Engineer, you will be a part of our 8 people product team, to improve the Elsa service.
On a day-to-day basis, you will:

develop backend services and/or data pipelines

collaborate and discuss product, design and UX

contribute to form (and question) strategic discussions, team building activities and innovative work

Who you are
(We know that imposter syndrome or confidence gaps sometimes get in the way. We are all unique persons and might not check all the marks on the below lists. Please, don’t hesitate to apply.)
You probably have (most of the following):
a calling to impact people's lives for the better

desire to coach, mentor and empower your team members

5+ years of experience with Python or enough experience to pick up a new language fast

3+ years of experience building and managing a modern data stack (MDS, we use an ELT approach with Python, AWS Athena, and dbt)

2+ years of experience writing and provisioning Infrastructure as Code (IaC, we use org-formation, CDK, and serverless)

developed for, deployed to, or monitored K8s

worked with or have a strong passion for data privacy or system/information security (we follow GDPR and HIPPA and work towards an ISO 27001 certification or SOC2 report)

It is great if you have (any of the following):
back-end experience (we use Node.js, DDB, EventBridge, and Postgre)

experience of devops (we do git-ops and slack-ops leaning on Bugsnag, GitHub Actions, and AWS CloudWatch, CodePipeline, Config Conformance Packs, and Security Hub)

experience of data science (we use Jupyter Notebook and Metabase)

experience of system architecture or design (we use Miro and Notion)

front-end experience (we use React.js and React Native)

developed medical device software or worked in regulated domains (we work towards an ISO 13485 certification)

You need to be:
fluent in English

a team-player who thrives in dynamic working environment

How we work
At Elsa Science we strive to make an impact on the world and to improve people’s lives. In order to do so, we place importance on our individual mental and physical health, which includes both caring about each other and our users. Our users are also at the center of everything that we do and we are co-creating Elsa in dialog with them and our other collaborators.
As the second part of our name might reveal, we love science and facts! We get just as excited about what’s already been discovered about health and lifestyle habits as we do about all the opportunities yet to be discovered. Exploring is by nature uncertain and unpredictable, as well as exciting and fun, and that's also the nature of being part of Elsa!
I have had jobs in the past where the end result does not feel really meaningful. But doing something that actually makes a positive impact on people’s life gives me a huge motivational kick in my everyday work. - Andrea, Software EngineerWhat we offer
Competitive equity available

Occupational pension (ITP1)

30 days of vacation per year

A yearly wellness allowance (friskvårdsbidrag) of 3000 SEK

Your mobile phone bill is covered up to 1 000 SEK per month, incl cost of upgrading to a new phone

Office in central Stockholm, with a possibility to work remotely

(We also have favorable alternatives for freelancers.)
Are you looking for a warm and dynamic workplace where your code will make a positive difference in people's lives? You've come to the right place!

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Andra jobb i Stockholm från Seenthis AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Stockholm från Seenthis AB .

Product Manager

Läs mer Mar 28
Are you excited by working in a fast-paced and innovation-driven environment, solving all the puzzles and opportunities that come up along the way? Join the growing SeenThis product team as a Product Manager!
Our vision is to create a fast internet with a smart footprint,that allows for better and more high-quality online content. We’re growing at lightning speed, and we’re looking for a new Product manager to join the team. You will focus on accelerating efforts within our Application and access layer, being part of the team that owns all our products related to creating and monitoring creatives and campaigns. As a start, we believe you will specifically own products related to our creative capabilities, martech, and sustainability tech, focusing on:

Creative: Increase internal efficiency in the ad creation process and improve external showcasing of our world-class ad creatives

Martech: Own and accelerate our website, internal portal, event site, and any other tech-related product marketing and sales enablement efforts

Sustainability tech: Own development and product marketing of our emissions dashboard, where clients can track, measure, and analyze their carbon footprint from digital campaigns

However, as with many other companies of our size, things move quickly and priorities may shift. If so, you may find yourself working on other topics than the ones above. We hope you want to join us on this exciting journey ahead!
About the role
As a Product Manager at SeenThis, you are the shepherd who guides a product from conception to its place in the market and beyond. You will act as the champion for customers’ needs, the translator between various teams, and the strategic leader who ensures the product aligns with our overarching business goals.
Responsibilities include:
Own product vision and roadmap, including prioritizing features, ensuring alignment with business goals, and driving product strategy, specifically for (1) our ad creative capabilities, (2) martech, and (3) sustainability tech.
Work closely with the marketing team to accelerate our product marketing and sales enablement efforts across all three product areas
Continuously improve and optimize our ways of working and foster both effective and efficient processes as well as safeguard an agile, positive, encouraging, and inclusive environment
Build the foundations for accelerating SeenThis path to becoming a global player with clients and employees all over the world
Who you are
We believe that the ideal candidate is visionary and innovative but not afraid to get their hands dirty and get stuff done. You have a passion for product development or product marketing, and potentially also an eye for design. Ideally, you have experience from adtech, advertising, media or marketing industries, and/or start-up environment (however, not a requirement).
Furthermore, we believe that you:

Have Bachelor/Masters or similar in business administration, marketing, computer science or engineering

Have a few years of experience within product development, product marketing or similar, ideally in customer facing roles

Are a great communicator that effectively partners with both internal stakeholders and customers

Have exceptional people skills

Are thoughtful and structured in your approach

Are open-minded, curious, solution oriented, positive, inclusive and empathetic

We look forward to your application! Please note that we conduct background checks on all new SeenThis team members, in compliance with our customers, to protect business-critical information.
If you have any questions please, contact Ronja Hultkrantz, Talent Acquisition Manager & HR at

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Technical Project Manager

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Feb 26
As Technical Project Manager at SeenThis where you will work cross-functional, cross-company in an international environment with clients and colleagues from around the world. You will serve as our Ad Tech Guru, providing expert knowledge about our services, and you will also contribute to the development of our products, technology, and business. Take on the role of a Technical Project Manager and enjoy the journey!

About the role
In this role, you will work closely with developers and product owners to enhance and develop our technology and products. You will also collaborate cross-functionally with other teams within SeenThis to support projects and streamline processes, ensuring that our business adapts accordingly when our product changes. You will utilize your expertise to provide high-level ad tech services to our customers when necessary. Furthermore, you will collaborate closely with our Commercial team to advise and support client relations, including participating in client meetings, conducting training sessions, and creating specifications and documentation to assist both our clients and salespeople. In close relation to our clients, you will also lead technical improvement projects of new and existing ad solutions.

About you
We are looking for someone who is communicative and thrives on discussing technical matters with the product team, as well as someone who enjoys participating in sales meetings, guiding our clients to the best solution. You are driven and self-sufficient in your work and approach problem-solving in a positive, service-oriented manner.

You will qualify for this role if you have:

A minimum of three years of experience in the Ad Tech Industry (Publisher, Agency, or ad tech company).

Knowledge of programmatic Ad Buying and Ad Servers.

Basic proficiency in coding (HTML/CSS/Javascript).

Proficiency in Excel, including the ability to create pivot tables, etc.

Proficiency in both Swedish and English.

You will really stand out if you have:

Knowledge of ad macros, ad tag functions, HTML5 creatives, and industry measurement standards such as Open Measurement SDK.

Experience working with ad server setups at the publisher level and troubleshooting display ads on websites.


We look forward to your application! Please note that we conduct background checks on all new SeenThis team members, in compliance with our customers, to protect business-critical information.

If you have any questions please, contact Ronja Hultkrantz, Talent Acquisition Manager & HR at

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Technical Project Manager

Projektledare, IT
Läs mer Mar 28
As Technical Project Manager at SeenThis where you will work cross-functional, cross-company in an international environment with clients and colleagues from around the world. You will serve as our Ad Tech Guru, providing expert knowledge about our services, and you will also contribute to the development of our products, technology, and business. Take on the role of a Technical Project Manager and enjoy the journey!
About the role
In this role, you will work closely with developers and product owners to enhance and develop our technology and products. You will also collaborate cross-functionally with other teams within SeenThis to support projects and streamline processes, ensuring that our business adapts accordingly when our product changes. You will utilize your expertise to provide high-level ad tech services to our customers when necessary. Furthermore, you will collaborate closely with our Commercial team to advise and support client relations, including participating in client meetings, conducting training sessions, and creating specifications and documentation to assist both our clients and salespeople. In close relation to our clients, you will also lead technical improvement projects of new and existing ad solutions.
About you
We are looking for someone who is communicative and thrives on discussing technical matters with the product team, as well as someone who enjoys participating in sales meetings, guiding our clients to the best solution. You are driven and self-sufficient in your work and approach problem-solving in a positive, service-oriented manner.
You will qualify for this role if you have:

A minimum of three years of experience in the Ad Tech Industry (Publisher, Agency, or ad tech company).

Knowledge of programmatic Ad Buying and Ad Servers.

Basic proficiency in coding (HTML/CSS/Javascript).

Proficiency in Excel, including the ability to create pivot tables, etc.

Proficiency in both Swedish and English.

You will really stand out if you have:
Knowledge of ad macros, ad tag functions, HTML5 creatives, and industry measurement standards such as Open Measurement SDK.

Experience working with ad server setups at the publisher level and troubleshooting display ads on websites.

We look forward to your application! Please note that we conduct background checks on all new SeenThis team members, in compliance with our customers, to protect business-critical information.
If you have any questions please, contact Ronja Hultkrantz, Talent Acquisition Manager & HR at

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Senior Associate, CFO Office ?

Business controller
Läs mer Feb 22
We are seeking a Senior Associate, eager to spearhead the advancement of operational efficiency at SeenThis. Our mission is to elevate SeenThis' internal operations to best-in-class status by applying new cutting-edge technology and superior ways of working.

In this role you will be part of the CFO office and report directly to the CFO at SeenThis. Together with the rest of the CFO office team you will work on some of the highest priority items on SeenThis’ agenda.

About SeenThis
Since 2017, SeenThis has been evolving screen experiences for everyone, everywhere. With our groundbreaking adaptive streaming technology, we are transforming the distribution of digital content, to maximize performance and minimize emissions.

With billions of streams served for more than 1,000 brands in over 40 countries, we are on a journey to reshape the internet - for good. And the X factor to this success is our people.

We are a tight-knit team of 100+ employees working across the globe from our offices in Stockholm, Oslo, London, Paris, Singapore, New York, and Sydney. We’re growing at a rapid pace, across all business areas, and are constantly looking for new colleagues to join our team.

We hire the best people and believe in their ability to create success and grow at the same time. We are global, yet close to heart - and we have ambitious goals, yet down-to-earth people.

Do you want to be part of our expansion journey and have a lot of fun along the ride?

Join SeenThis! ?

About the role
The Senior Associate’s responsibility will include, but not be limited to:

- Lead projects with the goal of improving operational efficiency at SeenThis, with focus on the finance domain.

- Support the CFO with day-to-day tasks (e.g., conduct ad-hoc analyses, prepare presentation material).

- Proactively identify improvement areas within and beyond the finance organization.

- Support in developing the long-term strategy for the finance organization.

- Develop processes for tracking and analyzing business critical KPIs.

- Support on various ad-hoc tasks across the whole organization.


- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in business or engineering.

- Minimum of 3 years in business consulting, with a proven track record of successful project deliveries.

- Ability to lead projects independently with limited guidance.

- Proficient in Microsoft excel and powerpoint.

- Fluent in Swedish and English.

- Independent, driven, solution oriented, and takes pride in delivering with very high quality.


- Master’s degree or equivalent in business or engineering.

- Experience implementing back-office systems in a finance organization.

As we review applications and interview on a continuous basis, please apply as soon as possible. We do background checks on all SeenThis-hires - to be compliant with our customers and to protect business-critical information.

If you have any questions please, contact Malin Rydbeck, Talent Acquisition Specialist at

We look forward to welcoming you to SeenThis!

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Ad Tech Software Engineer

Läs mer Feb 18
Are you someone who thrives on resolving the nuances of ad impression discrepancies and revels in the challenge of harmonizing diverse ad tech ecosystems, we've got the perfect role for you.

Join our team as an Ad Tech Software Engineer and make a significant impact in the dynamic world of digital advertising.

Utilize your extensive knowledge of the ad tech industry to investigate and implement SeenThis technology across various platforms and ad servers.

Your contributions will be invaluable as you help develop our platform, ensuring scalability and adherence to industry standards. Your up-to-date knowledge of the current standards, rules, and regulations will be instrumental in driving our success.

About you
We seek candidates with a comprehensive understanding of ad tech, gained from previous experience at ad tech companies, publishers, agencies, or similar environments. Your combined experience in ad tech, along with a technical background in programming, makes you the ideal candidate.

You will contribute to, and help drive, our product development alongside the team. Your personal drive, interest, and engagement in ad tech will be crucial in this role. If you're ready to bring your expertise and passion to our team, we want to hear from you.

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Senior Product Manager

Läs mer Feb 9
Are you excited by working in a fast paced and innovation-driven environment, solving all the puzzles and opportunities that come up along the way? Join the growing SeenThis product team as Senior Product Manager for our core product Studio/Play, our easy-to-use, self-serve platform where ad builders can drop, edit and stream display creatives.

Our vision is to create a faster internet that allows for better and more high-quality online content. And we would love to have you join us on that quest!

About the role
As a Senior Product Manager, you will own the development and hands-on execution of our largest revenue driving product and platform. You also will work closely together with CPO on the vision for and development of new, innovative products in the display ecosystem.

Together with the CPO and other product owners, you will:

Drive the development of Studio/Play - set and drive the vision and development of an optimal and seamless user experience across platforms

Identify and drive development of new product opportunities in the ad tech ecosystem

Work closely with customers to drive development and adoption of the Studio/Play product and platform

Continuously improve and optimize our ways-of-working and foster both effective and efficient processes as well as safe-guard an agile, positive, encouraging, and inclusive environment

Build the foundations for accelerating SeenThis path to becoming a global player with clients and employees all over the world

Who you are
We believe that the ideal candidate is visionary and innovative but not afraid to get their hands dirty and get stuff done. You have a strong passion for product development, technology and agile ways of working, and preferably also experience from adtech, advertising, media or marketing industries, and/or start-up environment.

Furthermore, we believe that you:

Have Bachelor/Masters or similar in business administration, marketing, computer science or engineering

Have a few years of experience within product development, sales, product design or similar

Have a background or interest in designing a great user experience, focusing on creating seamless interactions and intuitive interfaces

Are a great communicator that effectively partners with internal stakeholders, external partners, and C-level executives

Have exceptional people skills

Are thoughtful and structured in your approach

Are open-minded, curious, solution oriented, positive, inclusive and empathetic

We look forward to your application! Please note that we conduct background checks on all new SeenThis team members, in compliance with our customers, to protect business-critical information.

If you have any questions please, contact Ronja Hultkrantz, Talent Acquisition Manager & HR at

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